Friday, November 1, 2013

My First "Punishement"

Well, I think at this point I have given enough background information to set the stage of how our relationship has been developing to discuss my first "punishment."  This is not the story of my first "spanking" but rather a punishment of a different sorts.

First off, before I get into the meat of this story I want to make a few things clear.

Although I have no desire to be spanked or punished in any way, I am conflicted with regards to whether or not I am being "abused."  Yes, I am a man and I realize that unless I somehow desire or enjoy being spanked I should just walk away from this marriage, but a part of me is afraid to do that.  I think this topic is important and sensitive and  deserves its own post. For now I will table this discussion as I definitely have some strong feelings about it and want to make sure I am in the right mood to write it all out.

By now it should be clear that my wife/girlfriend slowly developed my dependence on her.  The commitment to no pre-marital sex, allowing her to decide when, where and how we became more intimate and allowing her to make me switch to briefs from boxers.  I desired none of these things but at the same time did not feel strongly enough about them to walk away from the relationship.  I think she knew this.  I loved her and she loved me.  We really did care for each other and we enjoyed doing so many wholesome and non-sexual things together that are relationship was and is so much more than underwear and spankings.  I only am blogging about these things because I feel it is a very unique situation or at least I have not found anyone else willing to discuss it.

Every other blog I read it is clear that the relationship is driven by some underlying sexual fantasy.  I do not know if my wife gets any sexual pleasure from punishing me.  If she does I have not seen any evidence of it. I read stories of husbands getting spanked every day, sometime severely for minor infractions.  I read of men being forced into panties, dresses or diapers and stories of being tied up, wearing chastity devices, butt plugs or various other punishments.  Clearly the diversity of sexual relations is as diverse as the human race itself and that is just fine as long as both parties do it as consenting adults.

Yes we have an active and healthy sex life and we enjoy each others intimacy in many ways beyond sex.  While we are not prudes I can not say that we rise to the level of the 'kink' in some of these other relationships which is why I am uncertain of the role spanking plays in our sex life.  Certainly anything involving the erogenous zones can be considered sexual, especially between a husband and wife, I don't associate it with sex before, during or after a spanking.

Finally, when I am punished or spanked they are tempered with moderation and caring and a desire to modify behavior.  I am reluctant to admit this, but it is very much they way a parent would punish a child.   Not with a desire to hurt or embarrass, although pain and embarrassment are part of the punishment, but with a desire to improve and modify behavior.  Thinking about it in those terms makes me shudder slightly.  I am her husband, not her child.  She does not treat me like a child, but when she feels I have earned punishment, that is they way it seems to be.

I will certainly come back to these complex themes later, but for now I will share the story of how I was first punished.

First off, what did I do?  Simple, speeding.

We were on our way back from a dinner out.  I was wearing my "lucky briefs" and was hoping that they would bring me luck and there would be some fooling around when we got back to her apartment.  Twice during the drive she had asked me, "How fast are you going?  The speed limit is 45 here and there are some blind curves and some dangerous intersections."  I acknowledged her concern both time, but really wasn't paying attention. Then it happened, the flashing lights in the rear view mirror.

"Where the hell did he come from?" I cursed.

I pulled to the side and rolled down my window.  "I really don't need this shit right now." I bitched, already thinking of the fine, court date, insurance and all the wonderful things that go along with a speeding ticket.  My girl just sat there silently looking straight ahead.  I could tell she was not happy.

I don't get stopped often, in fact I had a pretty clean record at the time with no tickets but I can tell you, the worst time is when you first get stopped and before the officer approaches the window.  You know they are back there either on their computer or radio checking your plate so they have some idea of who they are approaching before they get out of the car.  You sit there waiting to see if the cop is in a good mood or some dickhead with an attitude who just enjoys busting the hump of some poor hapless SOB who innocently violates some obscure traffic law.

Finally the flashlight at the window, "Good evening sir, officer <so and so> with the <blah blah> Police Department.  The reason I stopped you was for your speed.  I clocked you doing 63 in a 45.  Is there any lawful reason for your speed tonight?"

How do you answer a question like that.  I am sure they lawyers know just how to answer that but I went into kiss ass mode.  "No, officer, sorry officer, didn't realize I was going that fast, no excuse etc."

Well it was license, registration, insurance, sit here and I will be right back.

While we were waiting for him to come back I again started complaining, things like, this sucks, money making BS, legal robbery, etc.  stealing from the working people, speed trap etc.  The whole time my girlfriend remained silent.

Again, the flashlight at the window.  "Mr. <yadda yadda>, here is your license, registration, proof of insurance back.  The speed limit on this road is 45.  It is a very dangerous road and just last night we had an accident out here with injuries.  Speed is almost always a factor in these accidents.  I really don't want to be pulling you out of a ditch, but I also don't feel like issuing you a $240 dollar ticket.  Your record is clean so I am going to let you go with a warning, but be more attentive to the speed limit.  I am out here often and if I see you doing 46 out here I am going to stop you and cite you.  Have a good night and drive safely."

Wow, what luck.  I got away with it.  So I drove home and was elated but still complained about the "speed trap" and speculated that perhaps he didn't have a good radar hit so let me go with a warning.  I also complained about him "being out there often" harassing "law abiding citizens"

It was then she finally spoke up, " If you are speeding then you are not a law abiding citizen."

The accusation and sudden breaking of the silence caught me off guard.  "What are you going to compare speeding with murder?  And like you never speed.?"

She raised her voice a slight tone of anger in it, "I don't know the last time we had a murder here, but more people get killed in car accidents, so yes I will compare it with murder.  Yes, I do exceed the posted speed limit sometimes, perhaps doing 70 on the interstate where it is only 65 or maybe doing 50 in a 40, but doing 63 in a 45 on a road that I already told you twice was dangerous?  You don't get it do you?  This is not about a speed trap, this is about you not taking responsibility for your actions.  It is not the cop's fault for stopping you.  Its yours for driving like a jerk.  I bet you a dozen cars past him at 50 or even 55 miles an hour before you came zooming by at 63.  Then he gives you a warning thinking you are a reasonable person who would learn from this experience, but instead your still complaining about it.  Don't go to my house, lets drive to yours instead."

We sat there silently as I finished the ride home.  I was not sure why she wanted to go to my house.  When I had my car we usually went to her house and after we "spent the night" I would drive myself home.  I am not sure that this turn of events meant, but somehow I wasn't feeling "lucky" anymore.  When we got to my house, she got out and we both walked up and went in.  As soon as we were inside, she ordered me to "sit down" so I did while she stood over me.

I then got re-lectured on taking responsibility, safe driving, respect for the law, even if I didn't agree with it  but the worst was when she finished with, "and putting my life in danger."  That last part hurt.  I would never put her life in danger, would I?

"So here is the deal.", she started,  "Since you got away with a warning, but apparently didn't learn your lesson I am going to punish you."  What did I here that right?  "You are grounded.  You are going to give me your car keys and I am going to drive myself home.  You may leave the house only to go to work tomorrow and you will either take a taxi or the bus as I won't be able to drive you tomorrow I have a meeting to go to   If you want to I will pick you up after work and drive you home or you may take a taxi or bus again.  Just call me and let me know what you plan to do.  I can drive you to and from work the rest of the week.  Any questions?"

In looking back it is hard to say how I felt.  This was clearly a test and the "any questions" statement at the end was the time for me to tell her to get lost and call a cab for herself and never call me again.  I am sure that is exactly what any other man would have done.  Who the hell did she think she was telling me I was grounded like a teenager?  The problem was, I loved her and knew she loved me.  She was clearly angry and at that moment in time I reluctantly admitted she was not entirely wrong.  I should have been more grateful for the warning I got, but what really stopped me from telling her to take a hike and refusing to play along was the "endangering her life" comment.  I certainly had no intention of hurting her or myself for that matter.  I know we all feel that accidents happen to other people, no one deliberately gets into an accidents, that's why they are called accidents.  I guess otherwise they would be called purposes.  I sat there thinking about her "request" and at the time I did see it as a request and not an order and decided to comply with her request.

I handed her the keys and said, "OK, if this is what it is going to take to make you feel better than fine, I am 'grounded' for how long?"

"A week.  Until then, its work then right home.  You are not to leave this house except in a life threatening emergency otherwise you call me and I will let you know if you can leave the house."

So for the next week, she drove me back and forth to work, except for that first day.  personally, I don't really think she wasn't able to drive me that first day, I think that was part of the punishment to take a cab.   She drove me to the grocery store once to let me get food for the week, but other than that she drove me home, dropped me off and I sat in my house the whole week not being together with her.   When she picked me up at the end of the week she handed me the keys and said, "You can drive me to my apartment."

I drove over to her apartment very carefully obeying every law We spent the night together in her apartment.  Good thing I remembered to wear my lucky underpants.


  1. I must say that I commend her for TRYING to teach you a proper lesson about an important issue! I think that is GOOD that you attempted also to learn that lesson!!

    1. Thanks bobcat, but there are other "teaching" methods. I just wish she didn't pick this one.

  2. Hi there,
    I came across your blog from a DD site. I don't subscribe to any DD or BDSM lifestyles, but what consenting adults want to do in the bedroom is not my business.
    As this is the Internet, I'm a stranger to you and you to me, and the only exposure I've ever had to you is this blog. But, here are my thoughts, so do what you will with them.
    I am glad that you have a place to vent these feelings and are thinking about these topics. To me, it sounds like you have a very complex relationship and that you dearly love your wife.
    However, I would greatly encourage you to read about personal boundaries. You have the power to say no to things, and I hear in your stories that such a word isn't being respected by her from you. You can say no to any behavior at any time in the process because it's your body and feelings involved. Doing things that set off warning bells in your head often turns into a slippery slope and can end up taking you farther then you want to go. Those instincts are there for a reason, and they go a long way to keep you safe.
    Please do some reading about consent, too. Consent is a whole lot more than saying no and not saying no does NOT mean that you have given consent.
    The thing that worries me about this blog is that you have to vent here instead of talking to your wife about these issues. In a healthy relationship, no topic is off limits, and partners need to listen to and respect each other's feelings. You list examples over and over of her dismissing your feelings. That's disrespectful to you. If something makes you uncomfortable or you have a preference, she should respect that.
    One last note, and this is from my personal experience - I have heard and read about many abused people using the phrase "walking on eggshells" to describe situations in which they were around their abusers. I have used it myself to describe being around my abuser. It is an observation from what you wrote - I don't know you or your situation well enough to say "you're being abused", but from my personal experience, there are red flags.
    Please be careful, and please be honest with your wife about how you are feeling. How she reacts to the statement, "please stop spanking me. I don't like it, and I want you to respect my wishes on this" will tell you A LOT. If something is happening that makes you feel uncomfortable, ashamed, and embarrassed, you have the power to stand up against and choose what steps you will take to change your situation.
    Again, I'm a stranger from the Internet, but your story grieved my heart, and I wish you all the best as you sort through this.

    1. I think a part of me knows that I am in some sense abused. In the grand scheme of things I can live with that abuse for now. But a part of me knows that there are women out there who get beaten and abused by their husbands. If they feel the same way I do and that is what stops them from leaving, then that is truly sad.

      For now a part of me is actually thinking, "your a man, so what if your wife wants to beat your backside every now and then. You can take it."

  3. I agree with the comment about boundaries. However, I am not certain you actually have a problem with anything your wife has done. So far in your blog you have not said anything in your blog that to me as a man is particularly upsetting. Do you do your own laundry? If not, then respect her wishes about how she wants things clean. You were disrespectful to her on that road, and you are a jerk about the policeman. Take responsibility and respect authority. If you really don't like what your wife is doing you need to speak up because otherwise she is disrespecting you. If you don't tell her, how will she know? Personally, I like your wife's traits, but that's me - it may not be you. Don't talk about her behind her back and expect us to believe you love her.

    1. I don't feel I am talking about her behind her back, because this is the internet and relatively anonymous. I just find this blog a good way for me to "talk" to people and deal with the issues in my life.

  4. Oh goodness... Well Anonymous at 8:51pm had some really valid points and I have to say that parts of me are also "grieved" by your story. I just don't know what to say...

    Regarding Anonymous at 10:02 am I disagree with the comment "Don't talk about her behind her back and expect us to believe you love her...)

    I think you do love your wife very much but you are conflicted about what is happening. As I said before I am a wife in a DD marriage so it is so strange to me that a man would allow himself to be spanked, especially since you didn't request it. I do think you should sit down and discuss all of this with your wife.

    Tell her how you feel about being spanked. Decide together if this is something you feel you can continue doing.

    Have you ever read any Domestic Discipline blogs? They discuss how the core of DD is the 4 D's. Those are

    These are the things a consenting DD partner would agree to be spanked
    for if they broke one of those four D's.

    The other important aspect is the 3 C's meaning

    You have no consent or communication (on your part) as to how
    you feel regarding this lifestyle with your wife and you admit to being
    conflicted as to whether or not you feel abused.

    Please sit down and talk with your wife.

    I wish you the best and I will check back.

    DD wife

    1. As you can see from later blogs, we did finally "talk" not sure I am any clearer as to where I stand. I don't feel "abused" in the sense of my understanding of the word, but I don't feel I am consenting either.

  5. Interesting, here is my speculation. It seems to me your wife likes control. Most women try to control their men in other ways and I think we all know what those are (withholding sex maybe the biggest). The whole briefs thing hints to me she sees you more like a child to her and that is safe. Tighty whities are from the past and maybe she associates that with young men? In addition to her wanting control like many even most women she has a motherly personality (groundings and spankings). Put it all together and you are getting your ass spanked.

    I think it is unusual, but part of what makes you a good couple is that she is alpha in your house, or so it would seem.

    I think the alarms are going off for female readers of this blog because a spanking is a physical punishment and you say you don't want it. With a relationship like yours there could be concern that you really can't say no (for complex psychological reasons) and as a result your are being physically abused.

    LIke all of us you and your wife are far from perfect and if you both spent a lot of time in therapy you might find another relationship dynamic that works for both of you that is more "normal".

    Normal being defined as a more equal power sharing. It is clear that she is the dominant partner and has decided for complex reasons of her own that you are both her husband and someone who needs her guidance in a motherly way. If she was not spanking you, she would punish you in other ways. That seems to be how your relationship is set up. Honestly I am guessing you probably don't think you could find someone else so you submit to her. If that is part of it, that is ok too , i think, because as long as you are genuinely happy together than great. Just make sure you are both always growing as people and constantly communicating.

    What would be interesting to know is if there is any sexual aspect to her when she spanks you, or does she genuinely just feel that this is the best way to correct her husband. Sounds like it works. The last question I would have is how severe is your spanking? If you just getting "the sting of righteousness" - red stinging ass and not bruised and battered, than I think the nature of your relationship is more in question than the spanking.

    Soooooooo, if you are happy with being a submissive male married to a dominant female and all of the pros and cons that come with it than type of relationship, AND your spankings are not actually harming you just a good sting than I would think it a just a part of how you relate to each other. That said, if you don't like it, why don't you just walk over to her and say you don't want to be spanked any more and find out how she punishes you otherwise (probably wish you were just being spanked again). If you don't want to be punished by your alpha wife than you will need a good marriage councilling or a new wife!

    Remember I am just some schmo so take all of my comments and everyone else with a big grain of salt.

    Good Luck!

    1. Hi KL,

      I can't say that I am happy but for now I can tolerate it. Just trying to figure out how to make it stop without ruining all the good in our marriage.

  6. oh, btw, you have a interesting, well written blog. Keep it up! I wish you and your wife the best!


  7. Your blog raises some knotty questions about the ethics of domestic discipline but I believe underneath them all is the question of consent and it is very important. I believe you need to answer for yourself whether your relationship is consensual for you. No one else can do that but you. An adult who consents to being disciplined is not being abused but lack of consent does imply abuse. I have read all of your entries and although your situation seems unusual I believe you are in a consensual relationship with your wife but what you think is the only thing that matters. The notion of consent in domestic discipline is really complicated. I am regularly spanked by my wife for behavior issues that are a problem for her and for me. Usually when she is actually punishing me I do not want it to happen and during a spanking I often plea for her to stop which she doesn’t do until she is ready to stop. She doesn’t use a safe word and I really can’t stop her emotionally when she decides to spank. So in that sense I haven’t consented to the punishment. But here is where it gets complicated. After a spanking I am always glad she did it and realize it was needed and originally (years ago) I asked her to discipline me when my behavior warranted it. And sometimes I think I need a spanking right up to the time it happens. So I feel I am in a consensual relationship even though I sometimes don’t like it and almost never want to be spanked when it is happening. I know it is good for me and good for our relationship and if she stopped I would probably ask her to start again. You need to decide for yourself if your punishments are consensual. After you do that all your other questions will be answered

    1. Hi Alan,

      I have thought long and hard about this and I still don't consider this consensual. The more complicated question is do I consider this abuse? For now that answer still remains no. I feel like a child being forced to take some bad tasting medicine. Is that abuse?

      If I every feel like I am being punished for no reason or simply for her pleasure I may feel differently.

  8. You said you are scared to leave...why? What are you afraid of? Will she be upset/hurt you? Financial security? That you won't find someone else? These are all hard questions to answer, but if you're genuinely unhappy, you have to decide if it's worth it. Most generally, if you THINK you MIGHT be in an abusive relationship, then you probably are. You mentioned that early on, you asked to be punished...a lot of people in dd have. However, a healthy dd relationship is based on trust, love, and RESPECT. At any time, you have the right to withdraw consent! Your wife needs to respect that decision, if that's what you decide. Communication is key in any relationship, but especially in a dd partnership. Sit down with your wife and TALK TO HER! Tell her how you're feeling. Maybe she doesn't even know how she's coming across? After that, only you can decide if the relationship will work. But always remember, life is much to short to live unhappily! ! Be safe, and best of luck to you :)

    1. If you have been sticking with me, you see we finally did have a conversation. Not sure the situation really changed much. As for my fear of leaving? I love her and don't want to be without her.

  9. Hey there again... You've got us all wondering and worrying about you. Please pop back in and say hello. Let us know you are doing okay even if you don't feel like answering our comments.

    DD wife

  10. Finally getting a chance to read this new post and yes I have read all the comments as well. And I must say that I agree with everything above especially about the abuse. The bottom line is your a man and unless you married a lady that is twice your size it's not likely she can overpower you and make you take a spanking. So in my opinion your allowing it to happen for whatever reason that only you know.

    Your right about DD relationships starting with one or the other asking for that lifestyle. That was the way it was for us. And like Alan said above Bob does not enjoy getting a real spanking for misbehavior but at the same time he admits to needing it. On the other hand he does have a sexual fetish about spanking and so I give him sensual spankings when he ask. Big difference between the two!!

    But I think the most important thing here and you see it over and over again in every comment is that you need to communicate with your wife continually. You need to find out what she wants from your relationship as well as she needs to know what you want. And that goes with everything not just the punishing part. As I said before about the brief verses boxers thing if she does the laundry then it's probably for her convenience to have you wear briefs. If that's the case then you should tell her you want to wear boxers and so you'll wash them yourself.

    A real life DD relationship is not about giving up total control to your spouse. Bob is his own person and he should be. He's capable and does make his own decisions and I wouldn't want it any other way. He's my husband and I respect that and I'm his wife and he respects that. He's not my child and I don't treat him as such. But rather as husband and wife we compliment each other.

    But the bottom line is for a DD lifestyle to work there has to be trust and constant communication. It is effective but both partners have to be willing. So you need to ask yourself do I benefit from being punished? And if so then you might consider seeing things from her perspective. Don't ask yourself if you enjoy being spanked because an effective punishment should not be enjoyed. If it's something you like then where's the lesson being taught? I do give Bob some pretty hard spankings and some worse than others but have never abused him. It's just for him it may take a little more because of his sexual excitement about being spanked to make it a true disciplinary punishment. You don't sound as though that's the case with you so a good bottom warming should do the trick.

    So to sum it all up as I said you need to decide if this will benefit you. If you think it won't then all she's going to do is cause you to resent her. If you think it will benefit you then the two of you need to sit down and discuss some guidelines. So far it doesn't sound as though she's been unreasonable with you and she's done things for your own good. Like with this post she warned you twice about speeding and the danger about that road. You chose to ignore that and then got mad when you got caught. She has every right to get mad about putting her in danger as well as yourself.

    The one comment above was right on the money about the 4 D's and the 3 C's. And if you decide this lifestyle would benefit you you should use that as a guide. So first and foremost talk to your wife and have in depth discussions about what each of you want out of your relationship and not just the spanking but everything. What do you want in a wife and what does she want in a husband. That is where you need to start and then discuss the other things once you have a full understanding of each others needs.


    1. Hi Dianne,

      Thanks for sticking around. Like I said before, I do trust her. So far the punishments seem reasonable and fair. If that changes they I might start feeling abused. I read your blog and it is clear that you and your husband have a different relationship. You are clearly enjoying sex play, good for you. In some ways if I could enjoy this like you husband did, I probably wouldn't even have started this blog.
